Meme of the month |
We need to stop explaining ourselves.
There is such a pressure in the air. We have started to feel as though we need to justify every decision we make to "someone".
The "someone" I refer to is different for everyone. To some it may be their Facebook followers to others it can be an entire community or even political regime.
This pressure to justify oneself continuously cannot be good. That fear of rejection and judgment in our hearts are real obstacles to us living fulfilling lives.
One's compass to life cannot be external. It cannot come from others and most definitely cannot be as a result of fear.
Our direction in life should be determined from an internal conviction.
May I ask you a question?
What do you believe to be right or wrong for your life?
What is good for you?
Is what you are currently involved in bringing growth and joy. Or are you just going through the acceptable motions of life?
When we are younger our entire lives depend on our coolness. Is the bag we wear to class, "in". Do we collect the same toys as the other kids? Do we dress from the brand prescribed by all the "in" people. As adults it seems to be there is a pseudo emancipation of this yoke. All of a sudden everyone wants to be alternative and different. Uncool is cool. However is that not in itself a pursuit of the community has deemed fit for our lives.
This only escalates as one moves from young adulthood to just plain old adulthood. By the prescribed age in our various cultures one needs two kids, the dog and house in the suburbs.
People have real anxiety about reaching this stage before it is "too late. What is "too late", is there even such a thing?
Is there a disconnect between your dreams and goals?
Is the goal whatever you have been programmed or conditioned to believe your life should be? The dream is something else, something in your heart. Something that you need but cannot have?
Why society can these too so often not align?
There it is! I have done it too. I have blamed external forces. Forces that I will never control.
We need to take responsibility for ourselves.
Our dreams can, should and will be ours. If we step up. Shake off the burdens that only we can see and step forward.
That moment when you feel brighter and lighter. When we experience our true purpose.
I have started to walk home from the waterfront each afternoon. I walk a route that the other employees of the Waterfront. It is basically a zombie march. I have spoken to people that when I ask what they want to do (what do you want to do when you grow up kind of phrasing?) they merely shrug their shoulders.
Where is the passion? The drive?
The pursuit of ones dreams is not enjoyed from the sidelines. There is a you tube clip of a real estate mogul I saw about a year ago. He said that if one is not excited about what you are doing then it is time to refuel your passion. That which you give most of your time too, its purpose in your life needs to drive and inspire you.
So everyone may be laughing at this women however I celebrate with her. I love her enthusiasm. I would like to encourage everyone not to judge and cringe, but get on her level.